Valtion Sähköpaja VPATA/S
This is Finnish made telephone, from Valtion sähköpaja or VSP (State electrical works) in Hämeenlinna.

Wiring is drawn 17.01.1947 so phone made later than that.

Microphone is made by Tarto and generator is Siemens.
Casing made from stained birch and birch plywood.
Valtion sähköpaja is founded 15.04.1945. Name was changed to state owned factory Televa 1962. Televa Oy was founded 1976 and majority of it was sould to Oy Nokia Ab 1981 and so was Telenokia Oy formed. 27.08.1987 Nokia bought rest of the Telenokia. Name was changed to Nokia Telecommunications 1992.